How Is Ferrock Made?

Ferrock is a carbon-negative environmentally-friendly compound that is a suitable alternative to concrete. It is made up of 95% recycled materials and is cheap to manufacture, but how is it exactly made? Ferrock is made by combining steel dust waste…

Is Aircrete Fireproof?

For many builders in the construction industry today, aircrete (Autoclaved aerated concrete) is the way of the future, but there can be questions on quality and durability. Many homeowners have asked if aircrete is fireproof to minimize any potential future…

Is Hempcrete Waterproof?

When it comes to building materials, manufacturing companies have come up with more environmentally friendly materials with variations that are quite notable. Hempcrete provides excellent thermal insulation, prevents condensation, and has a low environmental impact, but is it waterproof? Hempcrete…