Ingredients added to concrete, other than Portland cement, aggregates, or water, are referred to as admixtures. While not required, they are sometimes used selectively to improve the concrete mix. Admixtures are used in concrete to alter its properties in various ways.…
7 New Innovative Building Materials
From pollution absorption to self-healing abilities, a number of innovative building materials that function as self-regulating, living systems are being developed today. Comprised in part from bacteria and other natural biological processes, the materials have the ability to cool, heat,…
6 Ways Virtual Reality Could Revolutionize the Building Industry
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have the potential to play a significant role in the building industry in the coming years. While their use has been slow to be implemented, partly due to cost, the technology provides advantages…
4 City Design Factors that Promote Physical Activity
An international study on the design of cities and how they correlate with physical activity and health found that there are four factors that contribute to improved physical activity among adults. Based on an evaluation of various cities, the study…
10 Best Practices for Public Space Projects
Improving streets as public spaces, creating squares and parks as multi-use destinations and building local economies through markets top the list of 10 recommendations in a study titled “Placemaking and the Future of Cities” by Project for Public Spaces, Inc.…