Construction projects can be hectic and chaotic. That’s why there are so many helpful guides and organizational tools that a project manager must follow to ensure that everything gets done in an orderly and timely fashion. One of the best…
Why Is Most Construction Equipment Yellow?
Construction jobs are high-risk jobs, so it is crucial for people working at construction sites to stay alert and visible enough at all times to prevent potentially fatal accidents. Construction equipment is typically in bright colors (such as red, orange,…
How Construction Projects Can Increase the Rate of Erosion
Construction projects seem like an innocuous and everyday part of life. However, are they contributing to environmental problems? Do construction projects increase the rate of erosion? Construction projects can increase the rate of erosion due to the process of grading…
Does Construction Slow Down in the Winter?
If you’ve never worked in construction, you might wonder why your project suddenly takes that much longer to be completed in winter as opposed to summer. Why does construction slow down so much in winter? Construction slows down in winter…
Do Commercial Buildings Need Tamper Resistant Outlets?
Children tamper with electric outlets and stick items such as keys, coins, clips, pins, or forks. So it wasn’t surprising in 2008 when the National Electrical Code (NEC) mandated tamper-resistant receptacles be installed in new or renovation constructions. However, many…
Do Construction Workers Work in the Snow?
Many people assume that construction has to stop in winter, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. Even though construction work can be more challenging in winter, many construction workers have learned to work their way around this…
Why Are Outlets Upside Down in Commercial Buildings?
If you spend a lot of time in commercial buildings, you may have noticed something funny about their outlets. In homes, contractors commonly install 3-prong outlets with the ground hole on the bottom and the blade holes up, but in…
7 Differences Between Commercial and Residential Construction
Commercial and residential construction make up a significant portion of the construction industry. One houses people while the other provides the infrastructure to meet their daily needs. Aside from their uses, however, there are a few differences that distinguish the…
Why Does Construction Take So Long to Complete?
Have you ever wondered why construction always seems to take so long? Often, construction projects get delayed not once but many times. Why is this, and can anything be done to speed up the completion? Construction can take longer to…
Pros and Cons of Using Steel in Construction Projects
Steel is among the most common (and important) building materials. Most construction projects, whether vertical or horizontal, have become heavily reliant on steel as a primary construction material. Steel’s increased usage in construction results from the many benefits it adds…
Heavy Civil Construction vs. Commercial: 6 Key Differences
As an entity that involves the building and assembling of infrastructure, the construction industry has three sectors that include heavy civil construction, building construction, and specialized industrial construction. Building construction, in turn, is further subdivided into residential or non-residential. Commercial…
5 Types of Vertical Construction You Should Know About
While several classifications of construction projects exist, most of them can be broken down into either vertical or horizontal construction. Vertical construction, as the name suggests, are projects that are built vertically and are taller than they’re wide. So what…